
Director of External Affairs: PR

According to Mr. Diamond there are three different types of people to deal with in PR work. There is the public, policy, and opinion people. public deals with people such as family members, Policy deals with people like people who donate grants, and the opinion people are people who work in the media.

He says his job is basically built on relationships to other people. He has to work with all sorts of people, trying to fix any complaints they have at the University of Maine. He says you always have to be accountable for what you say and to “always tell the truth and hope you get caught in it.”

His guest appearance in our class was helpful and entertaining. His job does sound interesting, but not what I am interested in doing.

Cindy and Tony Guest Speakers

These two guest speakers love people. They love meeting new people, finding new stories, and they enjoy informing people about things. They really made the field of journalism seem interesting again. They talked about going into work everyday and not having the same boring office work, instead it changes every day. They did have a few warnings about low pay and endless hours, but they really made it seem worth it.

They suggested to start with an internship, to get real world experience. Then make a catchy resume tape, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. They finished by telling us to not be afraid to think outside of the box and meet new people everyday.

There presentation was inspiring. It really got me more excited about the profession again. I learned that I cannot be afraid to get out there and I have to learn how to think outside the box about my stories

Broadcast story ideas: Nov 7

Ideas for next weeks Broadcast:

1. Seasonal affective disorder

2. Holiday shopping

3. Page Farm and Home Museum

Nathan Stormer

“You are just one piece in a larger story.” Say’s Nathan Stormer a guest lecturer in CMJ 236. Nathan Stormer is a professor here at the University of Maine. He teaches CMJ courses here and works for the Bangor Daily News. During his lecture he covered everything from objective writing to using a thesaurus. His lecture was very helpful and motivating. He really showed how to write informational stories and gave us helpful suggestions on how to write our own pieces. I am really interested in taking one of his classes next semester, I only hope that I can get in.

Broadcast Story

Study the page farm and home musuem or do the current university of maine museum of art exhibit.

My News Beat

I would like to cover arts/culture for my news beat. I am interested in the arts such as dance, theatre, photography and other art displays. This would be an interesting beat for me to cover for the rest of the semester.

Web article

Bill Kuykendall, University of Maine














Bill Kuykendall is a senior lecturer at the University of Maine. He works with the New Media department and the communication and Journalism department. Bill also works with the Penobscot Theatre Company, the Salt institute in Portland, and The Main Folklike Center. Bill is a very busy man. He states that, “As I gets older I feels like I have more energy.”

Photo by Bill KuykenDall, Penobscot Theatre Company


Bill does photography work for the Penobscot Theatre Company. You can find a lot of his work online at http://www.penobscottheatre.org/. Photography has always been an interest to Bill ever since he was a little kid. Now he has turned that passion into a career and has followed it into journalism and documentary work.


The most recent documentary work Bill did was with the Main Folklike Center. “Documentary work is my life’s work” Bill states. He worked on a documentary of the Eastern Fine Paper Company Mill in Brewer before it was closed down. “We did most of the work in the winter, sometimes it got to be below zero.” Though the conditions were not always perfect Bill loves documentary work and got the job done.


Bill is also on the Board of trustees, the Academic council, and the Executive Committee at the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies in Portland Maine.


Bill works with the Maine Seacoast Mission as well. He travels to different islands in the Gulf of Maine, doing different workshops on photography and documentary work.


As you can see Bill is a very well rounded man. He keeps himself very busy these days, but also saves time for family. He says you have to be well rounded to make it in the journalism world these days.


Bill will be leaving next semester to teach in his home state of West Virginia, at West Virginia University. He plans to return the following semester.

Final Draft: Inspiration


By, Katrina Proctor

Sep. 27, 2008


            From his first camera to his current busy lifestyle, this man has been many places, met a lot of people, and has had a very distinguish career as a photographer, a journalist, and a teacher. Bill Kuykendall has always had an interest in photography, from the first Kodak Instamatic camera he received as a kid to his interest in the new $2,800 Canon camera. Photography has always played a role in his life. Journalism didn’t come into his life until he joined his college newspaper. Before that he has had many different majors and a BA in zoology at West Virginia University. Journalism finally sparked his interest and sent him to the University of Minnesota. It was that interest that started a lifelong career.

            Directly after college Bill had an internship at National Geographic magazine. They sent him over to New Guinea for eight weeks. “I lost 30 pounds in three weeks,” Bill recalls. He shot photos the entire time he was there, two of which ran on the subscriber’s page of the magazine. He also had a layout of images that ran in the National Geographic School Bulletin. But that intense traveling scene was not what Bill wanted to do with his career. However he does know many people who work at National Geographic and they love it. He knows featured photographers and writers, from all sorts of different areas.

            Directly after Bill’s internship at National Geographic, he went into a fulltime job at the Worthington Daily Globe in Worthington, Minnesota. It was a very technically advanced paper for its time. They were one of the first papers in the United States to have an offset printing press. Bill joined their team in 1969, “way before you were even born,” Bill remarks. This job offered him a lot of room to be creative and innovative. His boss told him to come up with a new design and try whatever he wanted to make it work. Bill was not intimidated by this request he, was inspired. He took the reins and made a name for himself. He is not ashamed to admit he made many mistakes along the way, but he learned from them. Because of his work at this paper, he received the Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year award. He is most proud of this accomplishment because it was so early on in his career and really got his career started.

            This prestigious award got Bill recognized on a national level. People started asking him to share his ideas with other papers. So he started traveling around doing different lectures on his new ideas. This is where his career shifted. A man named Angus McDougall was up for a professor position at the Missouri School for Journalism, and he needed someone he could trust and get along with working under him. McDougall attended one of Bill’s lectures and wanted to work with him. Bill was not sure at first if teaching was where he wanted his career to go, but McDougall kept after him and finally Bill gave in. He figured, “what could it hurt.” Bill worked with McDougall for a few years, but McDougall wanted Bill to be his successor. But Bill knew that he was not ready for that. “I didn’t want to be a teacher who teaches what others have done, I wanted to teach from my own background and experiences,” Bill states. Experience is what he wanted and it’s what he got.

            Bill did freelance work for seven year. Freelance is not a type of photography, it is a job. You have to work by yourself to find assignments. You have to manage yourself and work extra hard to find work. The Pittston-Post is one of the jobs Bill took interest in. It was a bi-monthly magazine put out by a corporate coal mining company. The magazine helped this huge company have a connection to what all their employees were doing. He worked in more then 50 underground mines, sometimes with a staff writer and sometimes doing solo work. He enjoyed this work, though it wasn’t always easy or safe. He found the people interesting and enjoyed working with them.

            Bill’s next career move was inspired by his background in design, and cultivated by meeting a man named Gary Settle one of the “best photographers of his time”. Gary was hired at the Seattle Times to bring innovation to their paper. Gary knew of Bill and the design work he did and suggested that they bring Bill onboard. Bill says most of his career was built on luck, opportunity and meeting the right people at the right time. This was one of those times. The Seattle Times hired Bill and he spent four years there. They had been a very conservative paper that was ready for change and new ideas. That innovation is what Bill brings to a job. He is never stuck on one media, he is always preparing for the next big change and how to adapt to it.

            While Bill was working at the Seattle Times he had an opportunity to meet one of his personal heroes. Bill normally assigned all photography assignments to staff photographers, but this one was his. Chuck Yeager was the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound. Yeager was from West Virginia where Bill grew up. Airplanes and flying had always had a “romantic” feel for Bill because his father was in the Army Air Corps and had died serving our country. This was one of his most memorable interviews. He got the chance to sit down and talk with a childhood hero. Yeager had brought his plane with him that day. Bill had the chance to take photos of him with his plane and live out a dream.

            Bill always found that is was pretty easy for him to balance his family with his busy career. He did mostly freelance work when his kids were young. His work only took him away for about a week or two at a time, and it never took him too far away. “I was there for all family vacations, birthdays and holidays,” Bill remembers. However not all journalists have it this easy. The National Geographic at one time had the highest divorce rate of any journalist job. Some journalists have to leave for months. It can be a hard lifestyle to follow through with.

            Bill has never turned down a good opportunity no matter how big the undertaking. He directed the annual Pictures of the Year contest in Missouri. The competition took months to set up and weeks to judge. They look at about fifty thousand photographs, all from top photographers and editors. There are a lot of categories to win in and it takes a lot of work to put together.

Bill also traveled to Bulgaria (1991) and Hungary (1992) to workshop with other journalists. These workshops took a year to organize. They were usually held in a small town. Then they would invite journalist from all around the area to join in this weeklong workshop. Then they would work with them to process and proof their work. At the end of the week long workshop they would display the best photos to the community.

Bill is currently keeping himself busy with documentary assignments, with the Maine Folklife Center. He did a documentary on the closing of the Eastern Fine Paper Company Mill in Brewer. “We did most of the work in the winter, it got to be below zero sometimes,” Bill recalls. They had to bundle up and find creative ways to light up the dark building. Though the conditions were not always ideal, Bill loves documentary work. “Documentary work is my life’s work,” Bill states. He also works as the production photographer for the Penobscot Theatre Company. And he is on the Board of Trustees, Academic council and the Executive Committee at the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies in Portland, Maine. He also works with the Maine Seacoast Mission doing workshops on different islands in the Gulf of Maine.

Bill is working as a senior lecturer at the University of Maine. He works with the New Media department and the Communication and Journalism department. After all the experience he gained, he finally came back to teach from “his own background and experiences.” He still keeps busy working different jobs keeping him well rounded. “As I get older I feel like I have more energy. I get up earlier, and stay up late working. It seems like all these students want to do these days is sleep,” Bill states. Bill is going to take next semester and head back to West Virginia University to teach some classes there. He does plan to return to the University of Maine the following semester.



This weeks news

The most important news story this week was the 700 billion dollar bail out plan for our economy. This news story is important because our economy is sinking fast. Americans have been waiting to see what our government plans to do about it. Now that we have heard the plan, I am not quite sure everyone is thrilled to hear it. It just seems like a run around the real problems in our economy by throwing money at it. This story has been broadcast on every station, picked apart by journalist, financial specialist, and is now being debated in congress. The presidential candidate debate on Friday was almost postponed because McCain was helping work on this new economic plan. Some people thought it was a copout that McCain was scared to debate Obama. Others were happy to know that their presidential candidate was a man of action. Our economic struggles, the new plan to save our economy and the presidential candidates opinions were the biggest stories in the news this week.

Warwick Avenue

When I get to Warwick Avenue…
Meet me by the entrance of the tube.
We can talk things over, a little time…
Promise me you won’t step outta line.When I get to Warwick Avenue…
Please drop the past and be true.
Don’t think we’re okay, just because I’m here…
You hurt me bad, but I won’t shed a tear.

I’m leaving you for the last time baby…
You think you’re loving but you don’t love me.
I’ve been confused outta’ my mind lately…
You think you’re loving but I want to be free.
Baby you’ve hurt me.

When I get to Warwick Avenue…
We’ll spend an hour, but no more than two.
Our only chance to speak, once more…
I showed you the answers, now here’s the door.

When I get to Warwick Avenue…
I’ll tell you baby, that we’re through.

I’m leaving you for the last time baby…
You think you’re loving but you don’t love me.
I’ve been confused outta’ my mind lately…
You think you’re loving but you don’t love me.
I want to be free, baby you’ve hurt me.

All those days spent together, I wished for better,
But I didn’t want the train to come.
Now it’s departed,
I’m broken hearted, seems like we never started.
All the days spent together, when I wished for better,
And I didn’t want the train to come

You think you’re loving but you don’t love me.
I want to be free, baby you’ve hurt me.
You don’t love me,
I want to be free,
Baby you’ve hurt me.




Duffy plans to arrive at Warwick Avenue, a London Underground station near Little Venice. She is going to meet a gentleman at the entrance of the tube. She is interested in talking things over about the relationship. However this is only going to take place if the gentleman does not “step out of line” says Duffy.

When Duffy and unidentified man arrive at Warwick Avenue, she would like for him to forget about the past and start telling the truth about the current events in their relationship. “Don’t think we are ok just because I am here” Duffy states. He has caused her so much pain that she can’t forgive him and she is done crying about it.

In an outrage she finally states that she is “leaving him for the last time baby!” He always claimed to love her, but she knows better now. She says that she has been ‘confused’ a lot lately, but now she wants to be free. The man looks dumbfounded that she is actually leaving this time.

Duffy has planned this meeting with unidentified man to last an hour, but if things get heated she will extend the meeting to two hours.  He questions her decision to leave for good. She tells him that she has already given him all of the answers he is looking for and it is time for him to leave through the door to his left.

Duffy tells the man that she has come all this way to Warwick Avenue to tell him that “they are through” and that is final. He looks baffled.

Duffy restates her speech on leaving him for the last time and how she was confused. She tells him again about wanting to be free and needing her space. She tells him again that he had hurt her and she is leaving and that is final. You think the guy would get it by now.

Duffy says that she always wished for better in their relationship, but he was useless.